Community Integrated Services

Serving women, men and children affected by domestic violence.

For more information, please contact Christina Campos, Director of Community Integrated Services, at: [email protected]

Celebrating Families

Celebrating Families Psycho-educational program for families referred by CPS/Court. This program builds healthy living skills, providing tools to bolster children’s resiliency, while parents work to break the cycle of chemical dependency, abuse/neglect, and domestic violence.

A Parents Journey

A Parents Journey Psycho-educational parenting program exploring how domestic violence affects one’s ability to parent and how exposure to DV impacts children’s development and behaviors.

Youth Advisory Council

Youth Advisory Council Teen volunteer group whose mission is to promote healthy relationships and to educate the community on the prevention of family and teen dating violence.

CPS Liaison

CPS Liaison – Providing support and advocacy for agency families involved with Child Protective Services.